--A REAL TREAT FROM TOYS & STUFF: Ed is showcasing some of the many Marx/Marxville train accessories marketed for their line of 3-rail O-gauge trains. The line of toys and buildings is generally referred to as 'Marxville'. Lionel had 'Lionelville', K-Line had 'K-Lineville', and Bachman had their 'Plasticville' buildings - lots of villes out there in toy land! See Part 1 here http://www.toyconnect.blogspot.com/2013/08/marx-marxville-accessories-pt-1.html
p.s. Gooseneck street lamps are featured above; want to make your own--it's easy courtesy of Paul Race and Howard Lamey http://www.bigindoortrains.com/primer/accessories/gooseneck_lamp/goose_neck_lamp_tinplate.htm
--Krista found a fun blog: THE DECOROLOGIST, some fun vintage Christmas stuff here; keep scrolling down the page http://thedecorologist.com/collective-soul-vintage-christmas-ornaments
--AND FOR OUR KNOXVILLE TENNESSEE READERS http://knoxvilleheritage.com/start/
Thanks for the instructions on how to make the lamps. I've wanted these for a while but "store-bought" ones were just not in my budget.