As always, some wonderful new finds, oldies but goodies, special requests and more....Click on the photos and links.
First up...and worth a repeat visit, an oldie but goodie by Howard Lamey--click on the photo--using the silver craftcutter windows. SEE more at http://bit.ly/12COpHl
It's followed by his latest--YE OLD WINDMILL! See it from start to finish at https://www.cardboardchristmas.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1916
--H&H Sales and Manufacturing Company of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
founded in 1883 was primarily a manufacturer of flashlights, but way back in
1943 Harry Hipwell, son of the firm’s founder had a chance encounter with a
railroad engineer...and...
Check out this fabulous piece of tinplate--Twinkletown
GO TO https://bit.ly/3dZDPpu
--Outstanding do it yourself crepe paper flowers--19
slides--may try a few of these--from Martha Stewart of course
--Wonderful new items, crafting inspiration, and more at SILVERCROW CREATIONS https://www.silvercrowcreations.com
--TRIKOTINE WIRE MESH is back at BLUMCHEN, along with
instructions to make the vintage inspired candy bags; this stuff is beautiful, has an incredible feel and weight....the instructions for making the candy bags are on page 2....In the late 1990's, at the famous Nuremberg Toy Fair in Germany, we
showed a piece of vintage mesh tubing to the owner of a family-owned
'Leonische draht' trimmings firm. He was kind enough to entertain our
request to once again manufacture this wire mesh, and even purchased an
original antique machine to produce it especially for us! Made in the
same style and quality as Victorian-era knit wire net tubing, we are
pleased to offer this authentic metallic "Trikotine Hohlschlauch".
SEE MORE AT http://blumchen.com/craft_shop_leonian_trikotine_wire_mesh.html
--JUST FOR FUN.....and because we came across a vintage kit at a local tag sale over the weekend.....REMEMBERING PAINT BY NUMBERS AND MAX KLEIN http://everythingcroton.blogspot.com/2017/05/remembering-max-klein.html
--SEE ALL THE WONDERFUL HOUSES FOR LUCY'S 2020 HALLOWEEN CONTEST! OUTSTANDING! https://paperglitterglue.com/2020-mini-halloween-house-contest/
See the last edition of MORE FABULOUS VINTAGE WEBSITES, FINDS, ETC. FROM EVERYTHING CROTON AT https://everythingcroton.blogspot.com/2020/10/more-fabulous-vintage-websites-finds_22.html
EVERYTHING CROTON'S ALL THINGS COOKERY, KITCHEN & TABLE #12: TURKEY, A FAB CHICKEN RECIPE, MORE CRANBERRIES, ACORN SQUASH AND THE FALL TABLE https://everythingcroton.blogspot.com/2020/10/everything-crotons-all-things-cookery.html
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