Friday, May 3, 2019


Because this blog continues to receive a number of inquiries and/or comments and/or concerns about the number of Croton home owners who are turning their properties into AirBNB hotel-type accommodations, you are once again encouraged to direct your questions to the village board/staff. For example:

-- How does the village and county monitor these?
-- Are there fees, permits, taxes collected?
-- If accessory apartments have to be registered in the village and have to have parking, how are ARBNB operations handled in Croton?

These are all good questions. For the record--and at least as of  October 2018--these AirBNB accommodations were not/are not(?) taxed, monitored, whatever, by the village, county, etc.

In October of 2018, County Executive Latimer (LOHUD) said he wanted to tax these operations: Latimer told The Journal News/lohud that the county has not been able to quantify how many short-term rental units exist through Airbnb in Westchester. By amending the law, Airbnb and hotel remarketers would need to keep records of all transactions for three years. Companies subjected to the tax are required to provide the county with information about the types of rooms and number of rooms, upon request. You will probably need a subscription to LOHUD to READ THE REST OF THE ARTICLE HERE

Again, further questions should be directed to Croton, county, officials etal. VILLAGE CONTACT INFO CAN BE FOUND AT

1 comment:

  1. Thanks. This was really helpful. I was surprised there wasn't any taxes or registration required.
