Wow---the local interest in this has been up there....especially in the last few months.....Had a request for additional high school opportunities for boys and girls and will try to follow up soon....However, the link below is really useful for that.

The blog gets lots of commentary from parents concerned about the direction that public schools are taking with respect to CRT, gender issues, yet another year of possible virtual learning, etc. With that in mind, another option....
From a recent St. Augustine Catholic Church bulletin----For those of you considering a faith-based, future focused Catholic education for your children: Catholic Schools Are Accepting New Students for 2021-22.....Now is a good time to consider a Catholic education! Good academics, discipline, and five days a week of in-person instruction for all students starting in 2021-22. Beyond an excellent education, Catholic Schools instill family values and a sense of community. For many, Catholic Schools are a home away from home – a place of safety and faith in a rapidly changing world. Financial assistance is still available at most schools. Visit or call our bilingual Parent Helpline at (646) 794-2885 to apply.
This was one of the easiest decisions our family ever made. We took one look at what's still being advocated for on a local level, and knew that we made the right decision. All three of our daughters have the tools they need to succeed in life.