--One of our favorite Halloween covers of all time--from the October 1945 edition of Everywoman's Magazine. Click on the photo and enjoy.
new take on snowglobes--clever little idea snomee.com
--Angela's outstanding Made in Japan elf collection and more http://bit.ly/1KG94kx
houses ready to assemble and decorate http://bit.ly/1PJPZPN
--This is so cool for Halloween—and
perfect for a windowsill—keep scrolling down the page—and looks so easy—BUT
maximum effect, http://www.retrocafeart.com/item_1719/Gothic-Chipboard-Haunted-House-Shelf-Shrine-Kit.htm
--And “Stand ups” Paris
Eiffel Towers http://www.retrocafeart.com/item_857/Stand-Ups--Paris-Set-3-Eiffel-Towers-and-1-Arc-de-Triomphe.htm
--Hi Elizabeth from Harmon--your vintage Christmas blow mold is a Poloron from 1969; here's the Poloron catalog https://www.flickr.com/photos/markdpodmore/sets/72157621907212247/
Thank you so much for identifying my vintage blow mold Maria, sorry I am getting back so late.