Tuesday, March 1, 2022


New from our friends at European Film Star Postcards: 26 colour cards by Acin

In 2014 we did a post on the wonderful world of Casa Filmului Acin (Film House Acin) from communist Romania. In the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, Casa Filmului Acin published hundreds of postcards of international pop artists, TV heroes, and film stars. At first most of these cards were in black and white, but from the 1970s all cards were in colour, sometimes a bit odd colours. We are Acin fans, like several other people at Flickr where there is a special group dedicated to Casa Filmului Acin. Since 2014, we have acquired many new Acin cards. So in the coming weeks, EFSP presents three posts about Acin: one features Italian actresses in the 1970s, one on the black and white Acin cards, and today, we start with 26 colour cards. (Click on the photo to see VALLEY OF THE DOLLS, PATTY DUKE, SHARON TATE  (Yes, the Tate that was killed by Manson and his followers) AND BARBARA PRESTON)....see more at https://filmstarpostcards.blogspot.com/2022/02/26-colour-cards-by-acin.html

1 comment:

  1. One of the first "grown up" books I ever read. I had to hide it from my mother because she would not approve. Another one at the time was called Boys and Girls Together. They're pretty tame by today's standards but back in the day, you'd have a lot of explaining to do in my house!
