to Everything Croton, a collection of all things Croton--our history,
our homes, our issues, our businesses, our schools, our houses of
worship--in short, EVERYTHING CROTON.
(Thank you Bob Anderson for the photos and content, all photos all rights reserved.)
The Croton Caring Committee held a dinner at Fratelli’s Trattoria last
Wednesday evening to recognize and thank approximately 35 volunteers.
They are medical drivers, holiday basket elves, and helpers of our many
seniors in Croton. Holly Anzani, President and Carrie Sena, Executive
Director both welcomed and thanked the volunteers for their service.
Without their dedication to serve the community, there would be no CCC.
New volunteers are always welcome. Call 271-4979 and leave a message
or email crotoncaring@gmail.com.
For more about Fratelli's in the heart of the Upper Village, visit https://fratellistrattoria.com/
Thank God for our volunteers.