Without a doubt, one of the nicest vintage Christmas cards we've seen in a long time--most likely late 40's, early 50's...
It's followed by a 1938 Christmas window at Gimbel's Department store featuring Disney's Snow White...discovered in a vintage trade catalog.
And finally we came across these interesting vintage military models at the Peekskill flea market--alas, nearly all were missing significant pieces. Still, they made for a great pic!

And if you like old department store Christmas windows, go here; these are from Scranton, Pa. They just don't make them like this anymore!
Howard Lamey originally sent the link some time ago:
scrantonchristmas.blogspot.com/ and here's one from Los Angeles with a sweet little article http://blogdowntown.com/2009/12/4963-department-store-windows-were-downtowns-christmas

Want more vintage? Including lots of putz-ing goodness--then go here http://bit.ly/1PWXFPh
And in case you missed it: the latest "saling" adventures of Rob & Monica http://bit.ly/1GrlnyL
My uncle and I used to love to make these kinds of models, especially airplanes.