First up----The annual Brooklyn Bridge Christmas Putz with Feather Tree photos are now all online in a Flickr album---featuring houses by Howard Lamey, a "re-muddled" (by your editor) Fisher Price brownstone, and numerous vintage pieces; see them all at 2024 BROOKLYN BRIDGE PUTZ WITH ANTIQUE FEATHER TREE | Flickr
Next up, a reader was trying to locate some "putz house guides by a guy named Pete"...
They could only mean these---from Pete Oehmen--this post is from 2022 but there is contact info below:
Hello Fellow Putzer's. Thought I'd stop by and share with you the progress of the "Putz House Collector's Guide". It is a compilation of 11 books encompassing 53 sub chapters and growing by the day. I have purchased professional book binding equipment so now the collection will look handsome sitting on a shelf or coffee table. I'm afraid even if I can live another 15 years I still won't put a dent into what needs to be done before then. There are 3 more books that I haven't even started yet not to mention that I have to have my book "The History of the Putz House" finished and published before the Golden Glow of Christmas Past convention in July. A really Big Show. Les and I are putting together definitive show of Putz Houses at this convention's museum room. Should be SPECTACULAR! The best of the best. If interested in any of the books you can contact me at
So worth looking at again: an outstanding video of putz houses from the Museum Room at the Golden Glow of Christmas convention 2012Click here.
Pete Oehman's work is THE definitive guide to putz houses. It's a true labor of love. And because it's essentially a custom publication, it's not cheap. But you can't do any better if you really need details and accuracy.