A WEDDING FOR BELLA A.K.A. THE BREAD, MY SWEET....A successful businessman trades in his single lifestyle to marry the estranged daughter of a terminally ill elderly woman whom he loves like a mother in order to make her happy before her death. When Dominic schemes to marry Bella’s daughter two worlds collide in this touching, romantic tale of love, dreams and biscotti. Wonderful performances---presented at many film festivals across America---and available in its entirety on youtube....
Said Roger Ebert: What makes the movie special is its utter sincerity. For all of the contrivances in the plot, there is the feeling that the actors love their characters and are trying to play them honestly. Yes, the movie is corny, but no, it's not dumb. It's clever and insightful in the way it gets away with this story, which is almost a fable. The turning point is the key conversation between Dominic and Lucca. Once that works, we can believe almost anything. Now if only Bella will.
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The utter sincerity and fine acting of everyone here makes this one of the best little films ever. Please see it. It's also a perfect Mother Daughter movie,