Tuesday, March 6, 2018


Welcome to Everything Croton, a collection of all things Croton--our history, our homes, our issues, our businesses, our schools--in short, EVERYTHING CROTON.

HIGHLIGHTS ONLY--read escalating tale of woe in the 3/1/18 edition of The Gazette:

--For rent: house in a park. Croton eyes renting former Gouveia residence...last July, two years after taking the 16 acre property and undertaking various work on the grounds, Gouveia Park was opened as a public park. But the site needed work---and essentially, the house as well. Then mayor Leo Wiegman offered financial projections that Croton could generate revenues exceeding the management, maintenance, etc. including what was needed to make it ADA compliant through the charging of fees to public and private entities fpr its use.
--Now three years later it hasn't generated a dime in revenue, but it has already consumed one third of the million dollar trust fund plus various overhead costs to village taxpayers. The biggest chunk came from the road work/lot--(read about the grossly underestimated costs by Wiegman, Galleli, Pugh etal---CLICK here)
--The village manager claims that--essentially--per a realtor--with more work--a'la more money--it could fetch $5,000 a month in rent.
--The other Gourveia "gift"--the Ossining Bank Building--is also covered in great detail--it remains empty. "A vacant shell"...several proposals for that gift have come and gone throughout the years...

AGAIN THIS IS A MUST READ ARTICLE. The Gazette is on sale just about everywhere. Copies are kept in the CROTON LIBRARY


  1. two grand just for the bedroom carpet. i spent two grand on the whole floor of my house.

  2. Lost tax income like $40K per year I recall. We get to make that up too.

    1. Didn't she apply for and was granted a tax reduction by that board? I can't remember.

  3. They're insane!
