Friday, November 14, 2014


To those who continue to ask what is going on with the asphalt piles at Black Rock Park (see, no, I still have not had a response from the village manager. To my knowledge, none of the other "environmental" committees or boards have been consulted either. Should you have any further verified information, please forward.

11/16/14 UPDATED: A RESIDENT HAS SENT THE FOLLOWING PHOTOS FROM 11/16/14; click on the images.

11/17 UPDATED: A RESPONSE DATED 11/17 FROM MR. ZAMBRANO - THANK YOU EVERYONE FOR YOUR EFFORTS. THE VIL. MANAGER SAYS: Thank you for your email regarding your concerns about the Village temporarily storing asphalt millings at Black Rock.  The millings will be remove from the park starting tomorrow Nov. 18.  The removal may extend into Wednesday Nov. 19th. 

7:34 AM--11/18 - A fleet of dump trucks just arrived at Black Rock Park.
Loading of the milled asphalt has commenced.

11/20 a letter from Guy Pardee


  1. It's like the community garden asphalt millings all over again. Blind as a bat.

  2. Please thank the person for his/her photos. Do you know what's really infuriating about this? That it was even done in the first place. Like putting a community garden in and not testing the soil and finding it filled with asphalt trims. Like shoving all the broken up concrete down at the well-fields. Like doing this at Black Rock and if it is removed, it will only be because enough people complained.

    These officials have to be watched like a hawk needs to be watched. ALL THE TIME, and they just keep getting elected over and over again. So much for the educated voter. So much for the people who cloak themselves as environmentalists and do the EXACT OPPOSITE. In the old days I would be going to meetings and writing letters but since they have felt no need to answer questions, what's the point any longer. Still I thank whoever comes to the front with this and kicks a little a**. The village taking over Black Rock with all their empty promises was the worst thing that ever happened to that once great spot.

    1. I was part of the group that cut vines down there one year. If it weren't for us, you'd need a machete to get through some parts and I'm probably right in saying that it's a mess now unless someone has volunteered to do it since. Your maintenance of your parks is at best minimal and a lot of your greenspace from the small to the large relies on either volunteers or expensive contractors. Can't wait to see how much your Gouvea property and the school will end up costing your taxpayers.

  3. It looks like dirt to me. All you people do is complain.

    1. The village has acknowledged it is asphalt millings/scrapings/whatever.

  4. Wasn't the road work supposed to stop on the 18th or the 19th? So they got use of the site for all that time. Whatever at this point. Beware of faux greenies.

  5. I wanted to take this opportunity to thank the man who spoke at last night's meeting of the trustees. Mr. Sure is to be commended as well as everyone else who got involved. Thank you to Everything Croton for posting the photos and thank you to whoever took them.
