Wednesday, August 5, 2015


Welcome to Everything Croton, a collection of all things Croton--our history, our homes, our issues, our businesses, our schools--in short, EVERYTHING CROTON. 

On Saturday, August 1st, the public was permitted by the village board to visit the Gouveia property--but only between the hours of 12 and 3 pm with no access to the house--and only by shuttle bus NOT private car. Village staff was on hand.

To date:
--Costs, $200K bond for the property; this amount was not taken from the million dollar endowment; when questioned the board vaguely indicated at least some of this was for "A.D.A" compliance.
--So far, the village has also spent approximately $45K; see only some of the costs they originally projected in multiple forums versus what the costs have actually turned out to be, in a letter from Croton United's Joel Gingold here

Everything Croton had one "parent" volunteer in attendance AT THE 8/1 VISIT; a senior citizen also attended. Both have shared their notes and photos, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED; may not be reproduced in any form without express written permission from the photographers. Many thanks!

8/1/15 SITE VISIT:
--APPROXIMATELY 26 PEOPLE were in attendance; of that number, approximately half were officials, friends and family of officials.
--The terrain was pronounced extremely "difficult"--hilly, rocky, and or sloping by both senior and "parent" in attendance.
--The mayor informed a resident that the citations have been fixed. See photos.
--The single lane access road/driveway from entrance to house is 2/10 of a mile long approximately; the lane will have to be widened to accommodate two lane traffic in and out.

Click on the photos below. Your editor hopes to make the next site visit.


  1. This isn't a park. It's a large run down house with a very big yard.

    Can you say MONEY PIT!

  2. Wow thank you to the people who went. This only points to what we always knew about the site.

  3. I have no interest in seeing this site. I want the tax money back, we already have enough parks, and what it is going to cost is crazy. Thanks for the photos, the freedom of information documents you all got, and all your notes. Leo and company has to go, period end of story.
