--Now this is what we call a German putz—and as you will recall, such pieces were featured at the recent Golden Glow of Christmas Convention—click on the link—and oh the price! http://heritagehallantiques.ecrater.com/p/5572114/antique-german-erzgebirge-christmas-mountainside
--(See the set of photos from the Rye convention again here courtesy of Barbara:) http://www.flickr.com/photos/22283683@N07/sets/72157627212089499/with/6002647429/)
--Gorgeous Dresden ornament from the 1890’s http://www.nwitimes.com/niche/shore/home-and-garden/elves-antiques-celebrates-holiday-every-day-of-the-year/article_6ed36c47-9581-53d3-aff5-c3bffa98d265.html?mode=image
--If you live in a 1920’s, 1930’s home, and are dedicated to keeping its period character intact then these 2 catalogs are for you! The FRIDERICHSEN TILE CATALOG 1929 http://ia600503.us.archive.org/24/items/FriderichsenFloorWallTileCo/FriderichsenFloorWallTileCatalogNo.10.pdf and ELLIOTT HOWE POTTERY CATALOG 1925: FIREPLACES, CHIMNEYS, GARDENS, U.K., Britain http://ia600708.us.archive.org/31/items/SuggestionsForBrickAndTileFireplacesChimneysPergolaColumnsGarden/CCA91916_text.pdf
--Paper mache coffin boxes for Halloween http://www.etsy.com/listing/82532495/set-of-3-nesting-papier-mache-paper
--Interesting paper model/building http://home-4.worldonline.nl/~t196138/verhuis1.htm
--We had a lot of fun at this site http://www.scalemodelplans.com/
--Vintage glittered deer picks on chenille stems http://www.etsy.com/listing/83525112/packet-of-4-vintage-glittered-reindeer
--Might make a good architectural element for a large putz http://www.etsy.com/listing/65710690/long-silvery-metal-stamping-diamonds
The memories that came back once I saw those vintage deer picks. We had the same ones that my grandmother kept in an old cigar box on a shelf in the closet though what they were thinking when the made them green beats me. She always put them out with her little German smoking houses on a bed of medicine cotton at Christmas.