Love the gloves--not crazy about the hat, which is by Lilly Dache, the most famous milliner of her time.
You can read more about her here
Whitman's and Russell Stover were the kings of chocolate gift-giving at Christmas in our house--and especially at Valentine's Day--but were eventually supplanted by Brach's in the 60's and 70's.
Neither spring snow nor slush keeps Rob and Monica from their weekend sale-ing adventures (check out this great Dinah Shore LP they found on a recent excursion, released in the US in 1957).

And since it is officially PEEPS season, a great ad from 1978.
Click on the photos.
Howard is working on a new house; it's his interpretation of a very complex Made in Japan vintage beauty; see it here and keep scrolling down the page once you get there
A nomination for putz house of the month--great roof--go here
They're making peeps in a whole range of horrible flavors now. Give me the classic anyday.