Monday, August 25, 2014



As mentioned, the second foil request response from the village has been received on the Gouveia/Something Good/Gallelli/Wiegman activities.  It is in two pdf files, over 11MB, and well over a hundred pages.

For reasons that are unclear, there are many duplicated pages; redactions have also been made to "protect the privacy" of certain individuals.  9/7 UPDATED: SECOND FOIL RESPONSE NOW ONLINE HERE

Because these files are so large it will take time to get them online---the contents are, as expected, very damning. However, there was one item in particular you may have an interest in--and that concerns the new "illegal structure" recently "discovered" on the Gouveia property--and which was discussed in a previous 8/20/14 post. (

To continue:

1) In a 7/24/14 Gazette letter from Croton United's Joel Gingold detailing Trustee Gallelli's assertions that she "had no knowledge of what Something Good in the World (SGW) was doing on the Gouveia property and what SGW’s plans were"--despite over 70 pages of emails previously obtained pursuant to a freedom of information request that clearly showed otherwise--Mr. Gingold also mentioned that what appeared to be a chicken coop had already been constructed on the property.  

You can read Mr. Gingold's letter and see the documents previously obtained through "FOIL" here: 

2) On August 17th, after patiently waiting for the village to investigate this latest illegal structure on the Gouveia property, photographs of the "chicken coop" were sent to the board and the village manager, along with a freedom of information request for any copies of the necessary paperwork, permits, any possible variances, etc. that you and I would have to  apply for.  You can see one of the photos sent below.

3) On August 18th, the village responded, specifically the manager, with copies to the board:
     "Thank you for your email and photos regarding structures on the Gouveia property.  Not sure what the structure are for, but the Village will be ordering to be taken down or have the property owner apply for a zoning variance.   The Village has no record of an application being filed to build such structure. Representatives of the Gouveia Estate and Something good in the world will be contacted accordingly." 

4) In the SECOND foil request response received last week, the following email was located. It is dated June 9, 2014 from Something Good (Barbara Sarbin) to Mr. Wiegman and Ms. Gallelli. Click on the image below and form your own judgment as to who knew what and when regarding this illegal structure/chicken coop, the E-pods, etc. and more.

Additional items from this second foil request will follow. You may also have an interest in


  1. I'm not even a village resident and I find this shocking and embarrassing. If I were a resident I'd be deeply insulted that I'm considered too inconsequential to be told how MY village and MY taxes are being handled. This goes beyond loyalty to one's party, especially when's one's party has condescended to its constituents this way.

  2. This is so disappointing.

  3. Thank you. Are there a lot of redactions?

  4. To those who have asked--once again--there are over 120 pages and 11 MB of files--two files--to be posted. They have to be scanned and that's a lot of work. Rest assured they will all be online before the end of this week. In the meantime, you can email me directly for a copy as so many residents have.

  5. The redactions seem to be reasonable. Mostly phone numbers. A few are questionable, relating to individuals at outside agencies who were consulted. Those redactions should be appealed since those are not reasonably related to protecting privacy: those people were contacted in their official capacities and chose to insert themselves into a matter before the Village Board.

    I was not aware of this blogspot till I read that the Mayor singled it out in his emails. Congrats to the webmaster: the purpose of a free press is precisely to shine a flashlight on public officials' backroom deals.

    I do hope that our elected officials consider that if they were in the minority, it is sites such as this one which ensure their rights. Even if you disagree with everything written on this website, it fills a vital need in our democratic process.

    Croton has a proud history of progressive tradition. The Mayor might want to remember the words of Finley Peter Dunne, who said the role of the press is to "comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable."

    If an unchallenged political machine working secretly to grant the wishes of a multimillionaire regarding an estate overlooking the Hudson is not the type of situation contemplated by Finley Peter Dunne, than I don't know what is.

    Keep up the good work.

  6. Former Trustee Don Daubney has asked that the following be posted:

    It's obvious that if the public had not been lied to, or have information withheld when asked questions, that foiled requests would be unnecessary. However, since foiling is a legal right within our democracy it must be used at times to find the truth to issues (ie. the Controversial Gouvea property) which are important to the public. Don Daubney, former village trustee.
