Monday, June 29, 2015


Welcome to Everything Croton, a collection of all things Croton--our history, our homes, our issues, our businesses, our schools--in short, EVERYTHING CROTON.  

Neither rain nor snow--or in this case a soaking rain all weekend--stops the volunteers of The Croton Village Garden Club.

Click on the photo to see their latest efforts--the clean-up and new garden at the long neglected strip at the village municipal building.

For more info about the Croton Village Garden Club, contact Rich Zumbach at

And once again thanks to the club's volunteers...without them, there'd be a lot more weed infested village property to look at.


  1. What an improvement. We were just talking the other day how without the vine-cutting volunteers, Black Rock would be choking and so many other properties would look terrible. We need to get our priorities straight and stop relying so much on volunteers (I used to help Rick Pallici but back problems ever since have stopped me from doing something I love). Because one day those volunteers won't be there and then the bills will come due.

  2. Great job everyone. Wish I could help but I work two jobs.

  3. Lovely to look at delightful to see! Wish my neighbors property looked half as good. Non pride in ownership has deteriorated many neighborhoods in Croton over the last 40 years.

    1. I haven't seen a lot of it but when I do see it, it's pretty bad. I'm also sorry to say that the worst offenders are the properties that are being rented with the owners having left and living somewhere else. It isn't true for all rental properties but we've got at least 4 in my area that are a mess. I end up cutting the median grass strip on 2 when I am doing my own.

    2. The rental property on my block is the WORST. The owner lives in Texas now and the renters don't care about the grass. It's almost two feet high now. My neighbor across the street said she got permission to cut it from one of tenants, ain't that ridiculous, she's 60!

      Thank you Garden Club for making things look so nice. Now if you can only get the village to get rid of some of those ugly broken barells.

  4. Really nice job. I use to work with Richard and Jan Johnsen and the Can do group a lot a few years back, but the day I found out that the credit for all our hard work was being claimed by officials in that year's election season, was the day I stopped doing it. Also there has to be maintenance and these days the maintenance and lots of cash is going to Gouveia. When you have enugh volunteers maintenance isn't a problem but when you don't and you have officials whose energy and your cash is directed elsewhere, it's all back to square one. I am grateful for the volunteers of the Garden Club and hope they can sustain what is necessary to keep things nice here in light of officials who continue to demonstrate that they have other priorities.

    1. you're so right. hey Garden Club I saw this today and said, wow, this looks so much better! heidi l
