Tuesday, April 29, 2014


For those of you who have written, we still don't know what happened with Gouveia at last night's work session; no documents were provided by the village, no explanations or descriptions of what was to be discussed from 9:30 to 10 pm (unlike other items on the work session agenda). While this comes as no surprise given the village's past practices, we will supposedly at least have the audiotape when and if it becomes available. It is still currently not online. Bookmark this post for the link.

UPDATED: JUST LEARNED THAT AN ORGANIZATION FAMILIAR TO CROTON RESIDENTS APPEARED AT LAST NIGHT'S WORK SESSION: SOMETHING GOOD IN THE WORLD would like to use the Gouveia site (asking the village for acreage for an "enviro" area/center/garden, they would allegedly pay us something and be self-sustaining) and gave a presentation (editor's note, nothing on the work session agenda about this at all.)

For those who do not remember: Mayor criticized for role in school's zoning request, Something Good in the World By ROBERT MARCHANT, THE JOURNAL NEWS, March 28, 2004- Highlights:

--Mayor Robert Elliott is coming under criticism from opposition members of the village Board for appearing at a zoning board hearing in support of an application.
--Trustee Deborah McCarthy called Elliott's involvement in a child-care facility's application to expand its operations at 138 Maple St. "highhanded," adding that he had undermined the appearance of an impartial village review process. She was echoed in her criticism by fellow Trustee Gregory Schmidt. 
--The school needed a change in the village code and a special permit from the village board, as well as permission from the zoning board because the school's site is too small and too close to its neighbors to meet local regulations regarding schools.
--Barbara Sarbin, president, said the facility...was being expanded to eliminate a long waiting list. "There are children and families who want to attend this school, and we're trying to create more space to accommodate them,"
--The zoning board initially turned down the Garden Road application Dec. 10. The school came back March 10 during a meeting attended by 30 or so supporters (editor's note, most were non-village residents as the record shows) and parents, along with Elliott.... At the meeting, Elliott said he believed the plan would have the support of the village Board...which must decide whether to issue a special permit...McCarthy said it sounded to her like an assurance that the village board would approve the school's application - before it was introduced to the trustees. 
--The ZBA ended up approving the application after the hearing, reversing its Dec. 10 decision. 

ADDITIONALLY: Preschool allowed to add kindergarten, first grade-THE JOURNAL NEWS 7/21/04 A controversial plan to expand a Maple Avenue school was approved by Croton-on-Hudson authorities Monday in a decision that sharply divided elected officials and the local community....The village Board of Trustees approved a special permit to increase the enrollment at the Garden Road, run by Something Good in the World Inc. The approval will allow it to open a kindergarten and first-grade class and to grow from 14 to 24 pupils. VOTE:  Grant and Schmidt, opposed; Mayor Elliott, Trustees Kane and Wiegman for. 

Editor's Note: Something Good currently operates out of Hilltop Farm; their lease/license arrangement expires in June '14 with the county. It is unclear why they are not remaining there. A February 2014 letter seems to indicate that the county etal continues to be involved with Hilltop http://aandc.westchestergov.com/data/Calendar/38597.pdf


  1. Oh boy up to something again no doubt.

  2. How much in taxes again? Do you have the breakout?

  3. Well there's this: The Gazette October 2013
    --The biggest financial loser in terms of taxes: "the Croton-Harmon School District which gets the largest chunk of the property's current $40,000 annual property tax bill".

  4. If Something wants "acreage", they can pay us the forty thousand in lost taxes and of course maintain it on their own.

  5. This post is closed to all comments. We'll wait for the tape and the Gazette article, presuming there is one.
