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CALLING ALL CROTON KNITTERS: Continuing our new series here at EverythingCroton: THE VINTAGE KNITTER! - We got the idea when Hallie Flanagan Wolfe of hallieflanaganwolfegardens.com, recently donated a small cache of dogeared but very interesting vintage knitting and crochet magazines from the 1940's through the 1960's. Some of these patterns are simply gorgeous! Our fifth installment is a pattern for a “button blouse” circa late 1940’s, early 1950’s. Click on the photo and print. Thanks again Hallie! Feel free to share!
THE VINTAGE KNITTER #1, A MID-1950’S DATE SWEATER http://everythingcroton.blogspot.com/2011/10/vintage-knitter-1-mid-1950s-date.html
THE VINTAGE KNITTER #2, BABY TALK, 1944, a “1 year size” jacket and cap http://everythingcroton.blogspot.com/2011/11/vintage-knitter-2-baby-talk.html
THE VINTAGE KNITTER #3, CAREFREE & CASUAL http://everythingcroton.blogspot.com/2011/11/vintage-knitter-3-carefree-casual.html
THE VINTAGE KNITTER #4, A KNITTED AFGHAN http://everythingcroton.blogspot.com/2011/11/vintage-knitter-4-knitted-afghan.html
It seems amazing to me now that people ever made their own clothes at all or when money was tight. My grandmother made the communion dresses for my sisters and our sweaters in the winter saving every bit of lace she could find, re-using buttons, zippers, whatever from worn out clothes. She dyed her own yarn and probably would have spun it if we had had sheep!(My father suffered an accident that left him unable to work for two years when we were little.) Times were very tough then but we never really felt deprived. My grandmother's sewing and knitting skills were in such demand that she did piece work at home. My mother's brother, who was a shoemaker by trade, must have repaired our shoes during that time at least five times and I wore my dad's somewhat oversized rubber boots, the toe stuffed with newspaper, one winter until we were back on our feet. Nowadays everything is thrown away more often than not. My grandmother and mother were the original recyclers.
ReplyDeleteMy mom made all our winter hats,scarves and mittens. We were on a very tight budget at the time. They're gone of course but in retrospect, I wish they had been saved.I would have loved to have them now just for the memory.